
Graphic design

Graphic design is the art of designing written text, photographs and shapes. Usually our clients will have the basic concept of the message that they wish to send to a certain target group in mind; however, this concept requires graphic finishing – it must be organised, photographs must be added, and background, details and accentuations provided in order for the message to be attractive, appealing and effective. This is the work done by graphic designers – with their creativity and experience they design a message that reaches the target group most effectively.

We can provide:
  • Visual identities, logos
  • Printed business materials (letterheads, business cards, envelopes, etc.)
  • Printed promotional materials (posters, leaflets, catalogues, etc.)
  • Books
  • Packaging
Our references


Designers, including graphic designers, can have great influence on environmental preservation. By following some minor rules, graphic design can contribute to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of end products.

Ecodesign involves the use of standard paper sizes, designing smaller printing surfaces, the use of recycled or environmentally certified paper (environmental certificates), the use of paper coating rather than lamination, and so on.

With our know-how in the field of environmentally friendly design, we can provide advice and assistance in creating “eco-printed” products, which makes the presentation of your product or service more environmentally friendly.